Epsom Salt

Magnesium Sulfate

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Epsom salt gets its name from the town of Epsom in Surrey, England, where it was discovered. It is also known as Magnesium Sulfate and its chemical compound is made of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen. 

Epsom salt is one of those folk remedies best known for supporting muscle and joint recovery post exercise. In water, Epsom salt breaks down into Magnesium and Sulfate and these are believed to penetrate the skin and contribute to the relief experienced post exercise.

Our Epsom salt is certified Natural by the Soil Association (as salts cannot be organic) and comes from naturally occurring sources in the UK.

Found In

Relief Salts

Certified natural bath salts for the ultimate post work-out recovery.

wholyme salts small


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Country Of Origin


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Part of the plant

Naturally occurring in
mines and limestone caves

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Method of extraction

Steam distillation

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What does the certificate guarantee?

  • No animal testing– No GM ingredients
  • No controversial chemicals
  • No parabens and phthalates
  • No synthetic colours, dyes or fragrances
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