How To Make a Healthy Daily Routine. 5 Tips

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How To Make a Healthy Daily Routine

“Successful people do daily what others do occasionally.” In other words, don’t underestimate the power of a good daily routine!

Creating a healthy routine for a day can be a huge benefit for your physical, emotional, and mental health, not to mention your efficiency.

In this article, we share our tips on what activities to include in your daily routine, which all combine to help you feel calmer, stronger, and more productive.

Why is it Beneficial to Have a Healthy Daily Routine?

Undoubtedly, the prime reason for creating a healthy daily routine is that it encourages good habits. This may be the habit of eating healthily, working out, or practicing self-care.

Look at it this way: it can be easy to skip your workout when you are tired, or when it’s cold, dark, and miserable outside. But when your gym session is there on your daily routine in black and white, you are more likely to put your shoes on and head to the gym, regardless of what else is happening in life.

This is the power of a healthy daily routine!

What Should You Include in Your Healthy Daily Routine?

Your daily routine is personal. Everybody has a different occupation, different living situation, and different hobbies. Therefore, it’s up to you to work out the finer points, like what time you need to work, when you pick the kids up from school, or when you take the dog for a walk.

However, here are some suggestions for activities that will make your routine even healthier and more productive:

1. Wake up on time

This may sound a bit basic, but it’s wise to set a regular wake up time, write it into your routine, then stick to it. By waking up at the same time every day, you will be able to manage your daily tasks better than if you wake up at random times.

2. Plan your meals

This is a very healthy habit to get into. It takes just a few minutes to plan your meals for the day, but this little action can help you bypass the temptation to grab a takeaway or fast food when you are in a rush.

Always schedule some time into your week to shop for food and prepare your meals. This may be shopping on a Saturday, then chopping veggies or batch cooking on a Sunday.

Remember to schedule time to eat your food too! Many benefits come from being able to eat slowly, so block out at least 15 to 30 minutes per meal throughout the day.

3. Exercise in the morning

The time you work out will completely depend on when is convenient for you. However, if your schedule allows, we always recommend working out in the morning.

Firstly, your workout can be one of the toughest things you do all day, so getting it done early allows you to win early on in the day. It also prevents you from skipping your workout later in the day if you are feeling tired.

Meanwhile, working out early in the morning can improve both your energy levels and your circulation, setting you up for a good day!

4. Plan for your mid-afternoon slump

The mid-afternoon slump is real! Between 2pm and 4pm, people tend to be at their most lethargic, especially if you work in an office (this is thought to be because of rising carbon dioxide levels in offices at these times).

It’s best to plan around this slump. Try to keep your most demanding tasks for either before or after this time, then use the slump to complete less-demanding tasks, such as replying to emails and making calls if you are in work, or doing menial chores at home.

5. Make time for relaxation

Always make sure to schedule time to relax every day. This doesn’t have to be a big activity (although we’d never say no to a lazy spa day!). It could be as simple as a walk in nature, a cup of coffee with your best friend, or watching some comedy on TV.

Our favourite relaxation technique is a long hot bath! For the full ‘aaahhh’ factor, add in a few handfuls of our bestselling Relief Salts. These all-natural Epsom salts are infused with organic essential oils such as frankincense and eucalyptus, which have calming properties to help you relax and recover after a long and productive day!

We have an entire article on Creating an Evening Routine for a Healthy Lifestyle, so be sure to check that out too.

How To Make a Healthy Daily Routine
Relief Salts


Try Your Daily Routine and Make Changes

Now you know how to create a healthy routine for a day, the only way to see if it works is to try it out! Implement your new routine and see how it makes you feel.

Then make tweaks based on your needs. If you find your routine is too hectic, then take something out; if you aren’t being productive enough, then see where you can squeeze something else in.

A routine takes time to perfect and embed, but when it becomes second nature you will really reap the rewards!